Theempirevinhomes Oceanpark 
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Theempirevinhomes Oceanpark 
Вступил 13.04.2022
О пользователе
The Empire Vinhomes Ocean Park la khu do thi phuc hop dau tien mang thuong hieu Vinhomes tai Hung Yen. The Empire Vinhomes Ocean Park la ten goi duoc lay cam hung tu y tuong ve mot khong gian song thuong luu hoan toan moi tai Hung Yen voi diem nhan la Ho tao song rong 18,1ha - Ho boi tao song voi bai cat trang bao quanh lon nhat the gioi.
Dia chi: Xa Nghia Tru, Huyen Van Giang, Hung Yen
SDT: 0915976556
Website: https://vinhometheempire.vn/
#vinhomestheempire, #theempirevinhomesoceanpark, #theempire, #bietthutheempire, #lienketheempire, #shophousetheempire, #chungcutheempire
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